February Coffee Catch Up

February Coffee Catch Up

  • February 26, 2021
  • |
  • Ellie Carcamo

 Well that's February over and it's lovely to see the glimpses of Spring and warmer weather on it's way.  Thinking about barbecues and cold brew already!

At the start of February, the Global Entrepreneur Network, an international business group sent us a lovely surprise. A video competition we had entered during  the "Global Entrepreneurship Week" last November  called "I am an Entrepreneur" was closed and the winner announced as Wilmer! Prizes include entry to this year's Global Entrepreneur Network congress where we are positive Wilmer will make our Coffee business proud! 

The follow up interview details "Wilmer grew up in poverty in Honduras and described how despite and because of his circumstances, he gained the drive to work toward becoming an economically successful adult." In the video, Wilmer says "Entrepreneurship is a combination of ..... hard work, tenacity, creativity and the ability to use what is around you to make something great and make a difference."

The win also meant Wilmer was interviewed by Celia Ramos, a radio host for a Latino Radio show in Manchester, it was in Spanish but our team picked out the words Coffee, house and famliy!!.....see if you can pick out some words HERE.


February also saw the launch of our new video series Coffee Facts, where you can see Elle and Wilmer talking about all things coffee; you can watch the first one HERE.

Our favourite thing in February was that we signed up to be part of the #RaceToZero campaign. Headed by MP Andrew Griffith, #RaceToZero is the small business part of the UK's commitment to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The UK will host the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 this year so what better time to start making changes, our first step was to sign up and publish a video about our commitment and what we are doing right now. You can watch Elle HERE.



Comments (1 comment)

I run morpeth rugby club. And we have a coffee machine that does bean to coffee. What would you recommend for it cheap and cheerful.
Many thanks Gary Stephenson

| Gary Stephenson
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