Our sustainability review for 2021

Our sustainability review for 2021

  • January 26, 2021
  • |
  • Ellie Carcamo

We take sustainability very seriously. As you know, we sell specialty coffee as a way to pay a better commodity price. This improves farmer's livelihoods and the lives of the surrounding communities (as well as provide an exemplary quality bean). This article is more about what we are doing closer to home. Please do contact us if you have any ideas or feedback.

Our suppliers:

We use a 100% renewable energy supplier for our electricity, you can read about that HERE.

We have decided to use Royal Mail as our courier, the industry leader of reducing carbon emissions. You can read about their commitments HERE. They are not the cheapest but they have been the most reliable (and the hassle of a missing package is something we NEVER wish to put onto our customer).

Our roaster uses LPG which is considered one of the greenest fuels. LPG produces less GHG emissions and other environmental contaminants, as well as makes it non-toxic and more stable when compared to other fuel sources such as gasoline, diesel, kerosene or ethanol. It is a clean low weight hydrocarbon and is incredible efficient.

Currently, ocean freight is the most sustainable way to import coffee, it's still not great but our chosen freight company is the global leader and states "MSC operates a modern, green fleet and is investing heavily in low-carbon technologies and extensive new-build and retrofit programmes to boost performance and minimise our environmental impact." You can read more about their programme HERE.

Our packaging is all currently recyclable but we are constantly looking for 100% compostable products. Despite loving the feel of opening a new product in a bespoke, brand printed box we would rather save money and invest in projects like WWF adopt a Jaguar.



Bespoke boxes are lovely but they inevitably end up in a bin and the necessary printing and processing is extreme consumerism, we would prefer to use a recyclable cardboard box that we stamp ourselves, (please reuse the boxes if you can!). We also took the decision to stop using the boxes for local deliveries to reduce packaging and currently use a paper bag. Our 1kg bag has also just had a 25% reduction in packaging.



Watch this space for packaging, we firmly believe that there will be some huge changes to food packaging in the near future.

Our local deliveries:

We ensure our routes for local deliveries are as efficient as possible, encourage our customers to leave "not at home" instructions se we don't have to drive back, and only deliver twice a week to limit the time out on the road. We are committed to using zero tail pipe emissions vehicles as soon as possible and we dream of a fleet of entirely electric vehicles (and a windmill).


We currently sponsor the grassroots football academy Dugout based in Blyth. Dugout is a place for children and young adults to train and play football, teaching a healthy lifestyle and provide a safe outlet for kid's energy.

You can read more about Dugout Coaching HERE .


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