UK Coffee Week survey
A promising survey revealed that coffee drinkers are not only taking more interest in drinking quality coffee but also that 69% of those questioned value the sustainability of the coffee supply chains (woo hoo!). We still have some way to go as only 19% of those questioned could cite the source of their last cup...(although as we are Honduras coffee specialists we suspect our customers are well aware of the source country of Caribe Coffee!) You can read about the full survey results HERE.
CPRE the countryside charity
As passionate supporters of the countryside we JUMPED at the chance to represent CPRE the countryside charity campaign "We are the countryside" which encourages everyone to enjoy and in turn protect our wonderful environment. We had a full camera crew follow us around for a few days as we went about our normal routine (thankfully they were really lovely people 🤣) to get an idea of how we live and work in a rural setting. Wilmer did his best to include as many other local businesses as possible as well as tell his/our story. You can watch the video HERE.

We had a lovely write up courtesy of I:entrepreneur a business network group associated with the Small Business Saturday team, aiming to raise to profile of entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds bringing value to the economy and their local areas.

Heather and Bale
We are very excited to be featured this month in the fantastic Hamper Company Heather and Bale's blog as well now supplying to them for their Craster Coffee Hamper. They wrote:
"For those of you who are familiar with the Heather and Bale mission, you will know that we seek out and celebrate fantastic and talented producers from around the North East. On this occasion, we didn’t have to look far.
With our ears to ground we heard that there is a new coffee producer here in Northumberland and people are saying this is “the best coffee they have ever tasted”. It didn’t take long for friends of Heather and Bale to recommend that we check out the Caribe Coffee Co. It was clear that they are a perfect fit for our range of luxury coffee hampers. We knew as soon as we tasted their coffee and learned more about their ethos that we had to work together."

As part of our mission to be part of and improve our local economy, we have teamed up with Columbian foodies Fritanga to open a cafe in Morpeth - our local stomping ground. It's a new venture for us and we are so pleased to say the venture is now employing 3 members of staff as well as bringing a Latino taste to the area!