March Coffee Catch Up

March Coffee Catch Up

  • March 25, 2021
  • |
  • Ellie Carcamo

Here we are in April and we can't believe that's 3 months of 2021 over already!



We are very excited to report that we made our first purchase for one of our farmers as part of our #tippingnotshipping campaign. Rather than charging shipping we ask our customers to leave a tip at checkout, these funds are saved up and used to buy equipment for our farmers. None of our farms use agro -chemical and so weed and remove berries by hand, this is time consuming and hard work so this equipment will certainly improve working practices.

 You can watch the video Anastacio, our Lempira farmer, who has received an industrial grass cutter HERE.

Lempira is also our product of the month for our coffee family; join the family by signing up to our monthly email.



Elle joined in the first national small business #racetozero super panel with MP Andrew Griffith and Small business Saturday pioneer and F:Entrepreneur Michelle Ovens . The team of 15 reviewed the new website and signed up to make the commitment to be Carbon neutral by 2050 (at the lastest). The panel discussed the challenges and opportunities we, as small independents face when making race to zero leap.

Caribe Coffee Co. is committed to being Carbon neutral by 2040 and we encourage other small businesses to sign up!


Lastly, we had the opportunity to repost a beautiful monologue by Annikki Brown, a Lawyer and Caribbean poet just in time to celebrate Mother's day. She writes about her memories and generational connections to her great grand mothers through coffee. You can read the prose HERE.


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