Jose Maximo "Microlot JAGUAR"

Jose Maximo "Microlot JAGUAR"

  • September 24, 2019
  • |
  • Ellie Carcamo

Jose Maximo, is a third generation farmer of the farm  "Los Pajuiles" in the village farm region of Cofradia 7Km North of San Miguelito, Honduras.

He left school at second grade and worked as a farm labourer elsewhere, when old enough, he completed compulsory military service and finished his education in the military. After returning home to the family business, he married Guillermina and they had 6 children. When his grandfather died the farm was inherited by other family members leaving Jose without lands to farm. He used his savings and sold livestock to buy some land and machinery.

He decided to farm a Microlot Specialty coffee as his land is rich and fertile with a variety of flora producing a very unique flavour profile in the coffee. The Jaguar coffee's plant matures about 10 years on average and it grows in clay soil and is harvested December through February. The flavours are also impacted by the various fauna found on the farm including agoutis, squirrels and parrots. These animals are all protected, Los Pajuiles is currently part of fruit and sustainable timber reforestation projects. 

His farm has steadily grown to 8 hectares and he now ships his coffee beans internationally.


You can read about and buy Jose's coffee "Jaguar" HERE.



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