Elle and Wilmer on Dragons' Den

We are so proud of our Founders for their time in the Dragons’ Den!



You can check out the show HERE!


Wilmer and Ellie said it was a fantastic experience and it was incredibly insightful hearing from each of the Dragons and their opinions on the Coffee Brand. They were also relieved that all of the Dragons enjoyed the coffee and had given some positive feedback.

 In the end the proposal wasn’t right for some of the Dragons……but not all!  The couple were made an offer from the Dragon Peter Jones, some discussion did follow and of course they talked to the wall but in the end it wasn’t right for the couple and they decided they were out. Caribe Coffee Co. want to keep the focus on the farmers rather than change the branding, and having worked so hard to get to where they were they didn’t want to lower their offer. 

Caribe Coffee Co. continue to celebrate the farmers and use their unique connection to Honduras as an advantage to provide better quality coffee without costing the earth.

You can watch the aftermath interview HERE.